Monday, April 26, 2010


U nedelju je održana trka u Čibutkovici u organizaciji PD "Pobeda", Beograd. 

Trku sam počeo u laganom ritmu, ali pomalo rezervisano i nedovoljno skoncentrisano i pravim greške kod izbora varijante na 3. i 8. KT. 
Kod 4. kontrole sam opet iskrenuo zglob leve noge, ali sam nastavio sa trkom. Nakon 8. kontrole sam dosta izmoren što je rezultovalo da mi popusti koncentracija i na 9. i 10. kontroli pravim grešku od oko15 minuta ukupno. Ostatak staze je više bila atletika nego orijentacija što meni baš i ne prija, kao ni "put" varijante između kontrola. Na kraju 105:37 minuta za stazu od 7100 metara sa 385m uspona. Mislim da sam ovo bez problema mogao da idem između 85 i 90 minuta. Ako se dobro sećam ista "put" koncepcija staze je bila i prošle godine. Ova karta mi deluje kao veoma pogodna za MTB orienteering, zbog jake mreže puteva, a što ću i isprobati uskoro.

Definitivno ću morati da više poradim na svojoj kondiciji, mada ide 1. maj i roštiljada :), pa videćemo šta će biti nakon toga. Mada i moram malo da mirujem zbog zgloba.

Iskoristiću priliku i da odem na trku u Mađarsku u okolini Segedina u organizaciji kluba Maccabi Vac, jer nema trka u Srbiji. Takođe, planiram da idem na tradicionalni Meček Kup u Pečuju, Mađarska. Uh, dosta je vremena prošlo od kada nisam trčao na Meček Kupu, mada sam prošle godine bio na jednom takmičenju u okolini Pečuja.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Postas Cup, Hungaria

Last weekend I was on famous 32. Postas Cup in Hungary about 50 km south from Budapest, near Tatarszentgyorgy. Postas Cup is traditionaly one of Hungary's biggest and most well organised events. It is organised every year in various locations around Budapest, and this was my first time there after 10 years.

The event took place on the sand-dune ridge between the rivers Danube and Tisza at a height of 110-120 meters above see level. The surface sand is bound by vegetation. The dunes created by the wind produced an area of varied relief. The terrain has never been used for orienteering before, it is partly open and is rich in contour details. The vegetation in the whole area is very varied: juniper, pine, oak and acacia forest is mixed with the occasional large clearing and semi-open areas of mixed cover.

Map size was 31 x 46 cm with a part of the terrain on a separate cutout, so I had to make a „map exchange”.

Day 1

Until 10th control my map reading was very good, maybe I could make some better route choice on 1st control, but my running wasn't ok for this terrain type. I made mistake on 10th control loosing about 2 minutes. I was running at the same tempo and on 15th control I twisted my ankle and that situation had influence on my focus and that cost me between 3 and 4 minutes. After 17th control I had to move my focus on a separate map cutout for controls from 17 - 21  and finished the race without  problems. Course was 11,7 km long with 25 controls. My time was 99:18 minutes (first time was 68:25 minutes).

Day 2

Next day the same map was used for race. I started the race in the same rhythm as the day before, making small mistake on 3rd, I run over it. And for controls from 7 - 12 that were on separate map cutout I didn't have any problem while crossing. On 12th control my concentration went down and I  went much on the right loosing some minutes. There was no problem until 21st control where I loosed power I it was very difficult for me to run. On 25th control I think that I could go through green and I was wrong. It was 11,6 km long with 26 controls. My time was 98:51 minutes (first time was 64:36 minutes). Overall results here

I really enjoyed on this competition, interesting terrain, good weather and accomodation is special story.

accomodation from air

      Gerbaud, Budapest - eating cakes :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lara's race - Oplenac, Topola

Today orienteering caravan was in Topola for Lara's race (in memoriam of our friend's daughter Lara) and National Championship in short distance.

Well, how to describe today's race... 3600 meters and 28 control points ....

I was very confident after starting the race untill 11th control, while I was going toward 12th control I went in wrong direction, loosing about 30 seconds.  Controls from 15 - 26 were in the loop and running on 16th control I made big mistake - more than 4 minutes, but it wasn't end with mistakes. I made some mistakes on 19th, 22nd (searching for next control number), 25th totaly lack of concentration and out of focus. Thank God my agony was over.. Results
36:17 minutes makes me very unsatisfied today and I need to push harder with my trainings from tomorrow. I can't find the word to describe how I feel now...

And again I forgot to turn on my gps device at start...

Definitely this wasn't my weekend for orienteering, but that is how you do when you fall in love :) or maybe it is because of my long hair :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smederevo - NC sprint

Today in Smederevo was held National Championship in sprint. Weather was quite good for running, except the wind.
I started the race very hard, but on second control point I made an 8 minutes mistake, that is unacceptable at sprint race. I couldn't be better than 14th place in my category. I can be very satisfied with my running after the 2nd control. I had made some small mistakes on 4th and 8th control point and bigger mistake on 5th control. At the end 2600 meters for 23:42 minutes and no comment for that. Grrrrr.... Overall results are here.

I have forgotten to turn on Garmin and my track is not from the start, but on the picture above is my hand draw route.

Next weekend I'll take part on a competition in Hungary - Postas Cup

Monday, April 5, 2010


Rušanj... Ko je u subotu bio tamo zna da je svaki komentar suvišan, osim ovog "malo je strmo, ima dosta trnja, ali je teren ekstra"...

Prva, druga, treća bez većih problema. Na 4. KT pravim oko 2 minuta greške. Varijanta do 7. KT mi je bila loša i tu sam izgubio oko 1 - 2 minuta. Kod 11. KT ni meni nije jasno šta sam tražio po gustišu toliko pre potoka, ali tu je polako počela da mi opada koncentracija, tako da sam napravio još jednu grešku na 13. KT od oko 2 minuta i zatim lagano da cilja. Dužina staze je bila 7400m/370m/15KT, a moje vreme 98:05 minuta i na kraju, dovoljno za 2. mesto u ukupnom plasmanu. Rezultati su ovde.

Okrećem se polako sledećem vikendu i trkama u Smederevu  i Topoli.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Rohalj Baze

U nedelju 21.03.2010. godine je održano drugo kolo Lige na obroncima Fruške Gore. Vremenski uslovi su bili povoljniji za trčanje, za razliku od onih u Peščari.

Startovao sam jako dobro i držao sam tempo sve do 7. KT, na 8 KT sam polako poceo da gubim dah i napravio grešku od nekih 30 sekundi, a onda na 10. KT totalni kolaps i oko 4 min greške i na kraju 36:13 minuta dovoljno samo za 4. mesto. Ukupni rezultati su ovde.

Naravno, nakon trke, kako je to i pravilo kada su takmičenja na Fruškoj Gori smo završili u banji Vrdnik na kupanju i relaksaciji u termalnoj vodi.